Charities Grant Application

Requirements: Relief funds are for emergencies, crises, and temporary problems only. Funds are intended to alleviate a one-time crisis, such as domestic violence situations, house fires, or natural disasters. These grants are confidential and we ask that anyone requesting a grant maintain confidentiality. Only one member per household of RWDSU/UFCW Local 338 may apply

Documentation:  Members will need to complete a grant application. Union Representative can help if assistance is needed.  It will require a brief description of the hardship or emergency and documentation. The form is simple and once properly submitted, the grant will take only a few days to approve and disburse. Please note that requests are not guaranteed approval until the charities committee makes the final decision.

In most situations, proof of emergency expenses to be paid along with supporting documentation will be required. In some situations, a gift card will be issued, for example, to cover clothing, furniture, food or other supplies. 

Payment: The Fund will pay grants directly to the provider, such as a landlord, medical provider, or clothing or food retailer via gift card. Payment will not be made directly to individuals. There is a $1,000 - annual (every 12 months) limit per recipient. 

• Grants cannot pay for school tuition; however vocational training program fees and work licenses are not considered tuition.
• Grants cannot pay for attorney fees; however, grants for court and agency filing fees are permissible.
• Grants are not guaranteed.
• Grants cannot be approved unless a crisis and need is able to be identified.

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