Local 338's Member Assistance Program (MAP)
The Member Assistance Program is designed to provide support our members and their families. We have partnered with the Labor Education Community Services Agency, Inc. (LECSA), which has counselors who are able to assist members with many personal issues, including: alcohol or drug addiction, depression, anxiety or other mental health concerns, grief, bereavement, stress, marital issues, and more. Their counselors are fluent in English and Spanish, and calls to LECSA are always confidential.
For additional information or to seek help, please call (631) 851-1295 or visit www.lecsa.org.
To download the Local 338 Member Assistance Program Brochure Click Here: English | Spanish
For additional information or to seek help, please call (631) 851-1295 or visit www.lecsa.org.
To download the Local 338 Member Assistance Program Brochure Click Here: English | Spanish
LECSA Corner
Every month, our Member Assistance Program partners, the Labor Education Community Services Agency, Inc. (LECSA), publish LECSAGRAM, a newsletter with important resources for issues that may be affecting members and their families. LECSA is available to help our members with a variety of personal issues, and calls to the organization are always confidential. For more information, or to seek help, please call: 631) 851-1295 or visit www.lecsa.org.
Children of the Overdose Crisis
A federal study draws attention to the estimated 321,566 children in the United States who lost a parent to drug overdose from 2011 to 2021. How this mind boggling number of impacted young people has gone largely overlooked is troubling to say the least. A look at some recent, related studies provides a deeper perspective.
May National Mental Health Month
Once again this May we shine the spotlight on mental health during National Mental Health month. Mental health issues have continued to spike, either brought on or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic which forced people into isolation and introduced us to a new concept “Social distancing”.
Revisiting EMDR in Trauma Healing
No doubt the world is experiencing more individual and collective trauma in recent times with terror attacks, mass shootings, natural disasters, hate crimes and other unexpected events. Have you or someone you know been negatively impacted by a traumatic event, have a history of trauma or been a victim of violence?
Harm Reduction - A Deeper Drive
Harm reduction is no longer a phrase known only to insiders in addiction treatment circles. Due to the escalation of the opioid epidemic and an inconceivable number of overdose deaths, an increase in harm reduction approaches have appeared in the last few years as well. As referenced in the January LECSAGRAM from the broad availability of Naloxone, the overdose reversal drug to Fentanyl and Xylazine test strips to the more controversial overdose prevention centers (OPC’s) harm reduction options have escalated in an effort to help prevent deaths. Advocates have stressed the life-saving nature of these interventions while opponents continue to imply these are merely a tacit approval for illegal drug use.
A New Year, Overdose Deaths still in the Headlines
We start the New Year by once again looking at the tragic reality of overdose deaths in America. While we await 2023 data let’s recall the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released reports this past summer showing that the year over year 12 month reporting periods continued to show an escalation in fatalities from overdoses. During the 12 month period ending December 2022, overdose deaths rose to 109,680, setting yet another devastating annual record.
Holidays, Stress and Self-care
As we approach the Holiday season once again we are reminded not only of the joy and good spirit the Holidays typically bring for many but also about the stress and struggles faced by others during the holiday season, even before the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on our world.
Depression Awareness Month
Back in 2017 LECSAGRAM made reference to the prediction of experts that Depression was about to become the 2nd largest disability group in the US. At that time the rate of depression had increased 20% in the past ten years. This was before anyone knew anything about the coming global pandemic which would end up wreaking havoc on the mental health of people everywhere.
September: National Addiction Recovery Month
As the overdose epidemic continues to wreak havoc nationwide more interventions and solutions are needed to combat the number one healthcare crisis of our times.
Recovery is the best solution and nowadays has become increasingly more accessible thanks to a concerted effort by members of the recovery community to extend a “public” hand to those in need.
YOGA for Universal for Health
The practice of Yoga dates back a very long time. Ancient masters utilized yoga as a means to improve fitness and increase spiritual attunement. Historically yoga has been touted as highly beneficial. Many studies have demonstrated physical and psychological benefits. In recent years there has been resurgence in interest and in the practice of yoga.
Overdose Deaths still rising with a devastating contributor
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently released data indicating that in the 12 month period ending December 2022, overdose deaths rose yet again from 109,179 to 109,680, setting yet another devastating annual record. This after a glimmer of hope with the cumulative effect of Naloxone, (the life-saving overdose reversal agent) and the growing availability of fentanyl test strips; overdose deaths which had spiked during the COVID 19 pandemic appeared to begin to “level off”, although still at mind blowing numbers over 100,000 annually.
May is National Mental Health Month
although sadly it seems we could have mental health month almost every month these days. Millions are affected by mental health issues and illness each year.
Some statistics from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
April is Alcohol Awareness Month
Alcohol Awareness Month aims to provide the public with information about alcohol consumption and alcoholism (alcohol use disorder or AUD) as a preventable disease. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) indicates alcohol use is the third-leading cause of preventable death. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 88,000 people die from alcohol-related deaths each year in the United States.
Cyber Bullying: An in depth look
Although not new another troublesome phenomenon brought about by the internet age is
the prevalence of online or electronic, “cyber-bullying”. As access to popular social
media platforms for young people continue to grow kid’s today face unparalleled
difficulties which are creating major issues in today’s online world.
Teen Girls Mental Health: Sounding the Alarm
In a startling development the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported
that I in 3 teenage girls seriously considered suicide in 2021 an increase of nearly 60% from the previous
decade. 15% of teen girls said they were forced to have sex which was up 27% over 2 years and was the
first increase since this category has been tracked. CDC officials are “really alarmed.” We are seeing
record highs in sadness and suicide rates. These findings are the results of an anonymous survey of
17,000 school aged teens which was administered in classrooms nationwide.
Addiction Science and News: What’s the latest? Facts, Figures, Dangers
Dr. Stephen Dewey is a neuro scientist and addiction psychiatrist who has spent the greater part of his
lengthy career visiting high schools on Long Island speaking to students and parents about the dangers
of alcohol and drug use on the still developing adolescent brain. Dr. Dewey also brings his evolving
presentations to medical and clinical practice groups including the Long Island Chapter of the Employee
Assistance Professionals Association just last week.