Lucy “the Light” Pfeffer

Over the last few months, stopping to have a friendly conversation seems like something we’ve all taken for granted. Unfortunately, shoppers in grocery stores forget the workers they see stocking the shelves or helping customers at check-out are real people with emotions and stories. They go about their shopping trip, taking for granted the kindness and consideration of our members. However, sometimes you do get that customer who appreciates the compassion and thoughtfulness you put into your work.

Lucy Pfeffer, a Local 338 member working at ShopRite of Commack, has had years of experience working in her community’s non-profit organizations. She often volunteers her time at Lighthouse Mission Church for the elderly who have limited access to nutrition. She also collects coats for her neighborhood during the winter for those in need. She has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to important community-centered information.

Lucy understands everyone has a story and you never truly know what someone is going through, so you should always be kind. One day, while working on Mother’s Day, Lucy saw a regular shopper looking rather upset. She approached the older woman and kindly extended a friendly greeting, “happy Mothers’ Day!” The woman looked back and answered angrily and sharply, “I’m not a mother, no need to wish me a happy Mother’s Day”. Lucy could have left the conversation at that, but this customer visits the store often, so she felt a connection with her.

Lucy engaged the customer in a friendly conversation, asking about her day and family. After the woman realized all Lucy wanted was to get to know her a little better, her eyes lit up. After their casual, yet kind conversation, the woman walked away visibly happier, needing to unload and connect with another human being. Lucy’s new friend still comes to shop and visit, knowing she has a friendly ear to tell her stories.

“I love our regulars. Sometimes, we are all they have. I worry about my customers when I don’t see them. They are like my family.” Local 338 members like Lucy don’t only support their community with the work they do at the stores, but also through their compassionate smiles and warm demeanor. Often times, people only leave their homes to go grocery shopping and they only people they see on a regular basis are our members who greet them with a smile. “We are all family; we need to be there for one another. I always try to be the light in someone’s day. You never know what someone is going through.”