Steps Towards a Union Contract

Joining a union is an important step towards improving your quality of life while on the job. Here’s a step-by-step look at how to join a union, including who you can reach out to for more information on joining Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW!
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Step One – Give Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW a call!

We can help you get more information about unions, answer any questions you may have, and ultimately begin the process of joining Local 338. Call us at 516-294-1338, ext. 1400 – you will get a team of organizers and a union representative assigned to your workplace. Please note that all conversations are kept confidential.
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Step Two – Talk to your co-workers about Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW and the benefits of being union members

We represent workers in various industries across New York & New Jersey – from supermarkets to pharmacies to healthcare to cannabis – and we work to help improve the quality of your job and the working conditions. Talk to your coworkers to explain how a union and Local 338 can help everyone address problems on the job. It is important to remind them that there is strength in numbers and that, with the increased power and protection a union brings, employees can negotiate for a contract that provides higher wages, better scheduling, more benefits, overtime pay, safer conditions and more. To form a union, you’ll need a majority of workers at you job to agree, so talking can be a great way to build support.
Local 338 Logo

Step Three – Choose Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW

You and your coworkers will sign authorization cards that say you would like to form a union in your workplace. This process will include active participation in meetings with your Organizer and union Representative, handing out union specific information, amongst other things.
Union Yes with a check mark Logo

Step Four – Vote YES to officially become a Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW member!

Once it’s clear that a majority of workers at a workplace would like a union, all eligible employees at your job will then vote in a secret ballot election to officially decide on forming a union. When the majority of your coworkers vote YES, Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW becomes the official union at your job!
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Step Five – Negotiating a Union Contract

Once the union is official, Local 338 will work with you and your coworkers to negotiate with management for a union contract based on your goals and priorities.
Our Organizing Team is here to give you and your coworkers the opportunity to ask questions and talk about what is happening at your job. Our organizers will work directly with you and your co-workers to create a plan of action that is specifically created for your workplace. If you are ready to get started, give our Organizing Team a call at 516-294-1338, ext. 1400. All calls are confidential.