Have a Great Retirement, Yolanda!
Yolanda Fiorentino has been a Local 338 member for 46 years. She works at Gristedes in Manhattan and will be retiring at the end of February! Yolanda has been a loyal and dependable member. Her coworkers and fellow union brothers and sisters know Yolanda by her can-do attitude and approachable demeanor. She has left a legacy of warm-hearted service and compassion to all of her coworkers.
Yolanda, who started as a cashier in high school, got married and had a family all while being a 338 member. She says her benefits provided by our union allowed her to grow a family and took the pressure off certain expenses associated with raising a child.
Getting ready for retirement was made easier with help of our Local 338 Pension Department team, who walked Yolanda through the paperwork, step-by-step, and explained everything in detail. Yolanda says on her first day of retirement, she’s going to throw her alarm clock away! “I am very lucky to be a Local 338 member,” she said. We are very lucky to have had you as a member! Thank you for all of your years of service, Yolanda. Your Local 338 family will miss you dearly!